



- 林俞君(2019年)。公共服務動機訓練的新視角:測量問題與認知理論的啟示。人事行政,47-58。
- Lin, Y. C.; Kellough, J. E. (2018). Performance Appraisal Problems in the Public Sector: Examining Federal Supervisors’ Perceptions. Public Personnel Management. (SSCI)
- Lin, Y. C. (2017). U.S. Federal Government Supervisors’ Perceptions of Problems in Performance Appraisal: Extent, Variation, and Impacts (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Georgia, Athens: U.S.A.
- 林俞君(2017)。新公共人力資源管理:比管理更重要的事【評論Public Human Resource Management: Strategies and Practices in the 21st Century,Battaglio, R. Paul, Jr. 著】。公共行政學報,第52期,121-130. (TSSCI)
- 陳敦源、包柏瑞、林俞君(2013)。公部門在職訓練的另類思維:公務師徒制的理論與實務。人事月刊,第334期,9-27。
- Lin, Y. C.; Chen, D. C. (2018). The Interplay between Judicial Review and Bureaucratic Discretion in Taiwan. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. A. Farazmand (Ed.). Springer International Publishing: 1-9.
- 林俞君(2021年11月)。動機來源、學習目的與學習內容:初任公務人員的終身學習行為與發展性功能_。台灣公共行政學會年會(TASPAA),桃園:中央警察大學。
- 林俞君(2020年10月)。是誰在受訓?誰在終身學習?從參與人員特質談公務人員訓練與終身學習的制度搭配策略。台灣公共行政學會年會(TASPAA),台南:台南大學。
- 林俞君、陳敦源(2019年5月)。公共服務動機可以被訓練嗎?公共服務動機可以被訓練嗎?以「價值性」課程談訓練公共服務動機的可能性。台灣公共行政學會年會(TASPAA)。台中。
- 林俞君、陳敦源(2018年6月)。有這麼嚴重嗎?論方法上的同源誤差對解釋臺灣公務考績因素的影響。台灣公共行政學會年會(TASPAA)。台北。
- 林俞君、陳重安(2018年6月)。Confucian Values in Public Organizations: The Effect of Submission to Authority。台灣公共行政學會年會(TASPAA)。台北。
- Lin, Y. C. (2017, March). A New Approach to Deal with the Inflated Rating Problem in Performance Appraisal in Taiwan: A Lesson from the United States Experience. Paper presented in the 2017 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Lin, Y. C.; Kellough, J. E. (2017, March). Diagnosing Performance Appraisal Problems in Federal Agencies: Examining Supervisors’ Perspectives. Paper presented in the 2017 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference, 03/18/2017, Atlanta, GA.
- Lin, Y. C. (2016, October). Supervisors’ Perceived Problems in Employee Performance Appraisal, paper presented in the SECoPA Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
- Lin, Y. C. (2016, March). The Judicial Influences on Administrative Discretion: An Exploratory Assessment of Supreme Court Rulings and Administrative Rules Amendments, 1950-2014. Paper presented in the 2016 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Lin, Y. C.; Chen, D. Y. (2015, October). The Uncontrollable Bureaucratic Discretion and the Limited Legal Constraint: A Case Study of Supreme Court Rulings in Taiwan. Paper presented in the SECoPA Annual Conference, Charleston, SC.
- Lin, Y. C. (2014, March). Discretion or Supervision? A Job Satisfaction Evaluation of Hierarchical Levels and Job Types. Paper presented in the 2014 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference, D.C.
- 「總體—個體—總體」的策略性公共人力資源發展:結合公務人員培訓、職位轉換、職涯發展與動態能力培養的理論初探。科技部專題研究計畫(新進人員研究計畫),計畫編號110-2410-H-305 -023 -SS2 (主持人)。執行期間: 2021/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31。【經費總額:NT$ 1,206,000】
- 政府資訊人力適任評估與培訓運用之機制研析。數位治理研究中心「即時性政策議題調查研析」。執行期間:2021/10/01~2022/03/21。(協同主持人)
- 呂育誠,林俞君(2019年)。精進公務人員終身學習制度之研究。公務人員保障暨培訓委員會 108 年培訓專案委託研究。 (協同主持人)
- 臺北大學109績優導師
- “Graduate Assistantship Award” from the Department of Public Administration and Policy, University of Georgia。2016-2017
- “Summer Doctoral Research Fellowship” from the Graduate School, University of Georgia, 2015
- “Graduate Assistantship Award” from the Office of International Education, University of Georgia。2014-2015
- 教育部公費留學。2010
- 通過大專生參與國科會研究計畫(計畫名稱:非營利組織理論在學生自治組織之應用)。2005
- 92年中華民國國慶青年宣言代表。2003